是一家傳承自擁有58年歷史經驗之”SHIN SHIN PUMPS”,我們的專業人員對於製作、買賣、檢修、按裝試車等均受過良好且嚴謹的訓練,也是極具豐富經驗的泵浦代理商,本公司結合過往累積之專業技術,提供各類性能品質優異的進口泵浦與MIT泵浦,並以提供完善快速的售後服務與技術為宗旨,秉持立足台灣,放眼世界的最高理念服務我們全球的客戶,今後只要 您有泵浦與馬達或任何轉動機械之需求,竭誠歡迎您與本公司聯繫、諮詢,我們將自我鞭策,提供盡善盡美的服務與高性能的產品,懇請賜予機會,讓福懋流機公司成為您的最佳企業夥伴,共同為我們美麗的地球克盡一份心力。
是一家傳承自擁有58年歷史經驗之”SHIN SHIN PUMPS”,我們的專業人員對於製作、買賣、檢修、按裝試車等均受過良好且嚴謹的訓練,也是極具豐富經驗的泵浦代理商,本公司結合過往累積之專業技術,提供各類性能品質優異的進口泵浦與MIT泵浦,並以提供完善快速的售後服務與技術為宗旨,秉持立足台灣,放眼世界的最高理念服務我們全球的客戶,今後只要 您有泵浦與馬達或任何轉動機械之需求,竭誠歡迎您與本公司聯繫、諮詢,我們將自我鞭策,提供盡善盡美的服務與高性能的產品,懇請賜予機會,讓福懋流機公司成為您的最佳企業夥伴,共同為我們美麗的地球克盡一份心力。
Formosa Fluid Tech. Instrument Co., LTD. established in 2008, is a leading and professional agent and supplier in Taiwan representing process pumps & motors and other fluid precision equipment such as Fan and Blower with AC Motor. Formosa pumps has long-term relations with customers from Taiwan with all of the worlds and have been assisting our customers with application and integration of different types of pumps and accessories pumping system.
It has been our long-term goal to enlarge high quality pumps market occupation especially in petrochemical area. It is also our goal to provide the newest technology of overseas pumps equipment. Our overall objective is to make every endeavor to provide best products to our customers.
It has been our long-term goal to enlarge high quality pumps market occupation especially in petrochemical area. It is also our goal to provide the newest technology of overseas pumps equipment. Our overall objective is to make every endeavor to provide best products to our customers.